Sunday 29 June 2008

Holiday fun

Was away for just over a week, in the sunny climes of South West England. Most enjoyable. While away, I wondered what the world would be like if people did their jobs properly. You know, the thing they get paid to do, but don't, or at least not very well. I made sure all things work related was ship shape before going away; the auto-reply set up on email directing clients and journalists to all relevant info - should they need it NOW. I still managed to get an average of 3 calls / day asking things like:

1) I emailed you, but got an auto-reply. can you send the pic of '...........'?

reply: NO, I can't. I'm AWAY as the auto-reply would have told you. And the picture you want is on the websiiiiiiiiiiiiite!!!!!!!!!

2) I'm on deadline, could you email me the image for '........'?

reply: I'm on holiday, and nowhere near a PC. Can you get it from the my auto-reply suggests?

3) hiya, how are you? can you send me a pic and the press release for '........'?

reply: Did you get an auto-reply from me? Ok...can you get it from the website as I'm on HOLIDAY?????

Seriously, how do these people tie their shoes?!

Rant over...more soon.

Thursday 19 June 2008

First of the first...

So, the first blog. More of a ramble most likely since I have no idea what I'm going to include.

Several wishes come to mind for the coming week though...

1) For the Euro2008 football zzzZZZZ thing to END so we can have normal tv programmes back on (please?)
2) For the weather to be nice while I'm on holiday, ie not working. Just once (please?)
3) For everyone in retail to STOP playing the new Coldplay record (pleeeeeeeeeeease?)

Not that many wishes, so maybe I'll have a higher hit rate? We'll see at the end of next week.

Came across a blog last week which seems mighty good fun. Check it out.

Before I go (because I really don't have anything very interesting to say right now), I'd like to point you towards a couple of cool things to check out.

Colette - does anyone want to come with me?

I'm currently enjoying these things, in no partic. order: BodyButter; Those Dancing Days ooooh YES; this ace video to The Joy Formidable's track Austere; apples; getting postcards from foreign lands; meeting artists and designers for new project; and girls who smile a lot :)

peace out x